Title: | R Programming: Zero to Pro |
Description: | This is a companion package of the book "R Programming: Zero to Pro" <https://r02pro.github.io/>. It contains the datasets used in the book and provides interactive exercises corresponding to the book. It covers a wide range of topics including visualization, data transformation, tidying data, data input and output. |
Authors: | Yang Feng [aut, cre], Jianan Zhu [aut] |
Maintainer: | Yang Feng <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 0.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-06 03:10:21 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/r02pro |
A dataset of 2048 houses in Ames, Iowa from 2006 to 2010, with 56 features including the sale date and price.
A data frame with variables:
Date Sold
Year Sold
Month Sold
Original construction date
Remodel date (same as construction date if no remodeling or additions)
The building class
30: 1-STORY 1945 & OLDER
60: 2-STORY 1946 & NEWER
70: 2-STORY 1945 & OLDER
75: 2-1/2 STORY ALL AGES
120: 1-STORY PUD (Planned Unit Development) - 1946 & NEWER
150: 1-1/2 STORY PUD - ALL AGES
160: 2-STORY PUD - 1946 & NEWER
Type of dwelling
1Fam: Single-family Detached
2FmCon: Two-family Conversion; originally built as one-family dwelling
Duplx: Duplex
TwnhsE: Townhouse End Unit
TwnhsI: Townhouse Inside Unit
Style of dwelling
1Story: One story
1.5Fin: One and one-half story: 2nd level finished
1.5Unf: One and one-half story: 2nd level unfinished
2Story: Two story
2.5Fin: Two and one-half story: 2nd level finished
2.5Unf: Two and one-half story: 2nd level unfinished
SFoyer: Split Foyer
SLvl: Split Level
Identifies the general zoning classification of the sale
A: Agriculture
C: Commercial
FV: Floating Village Residential
I: Industrial
RH: Residential High Density
RL: Residential Low Density
RP: Residential Low Density Park
RM: Residential Medium Density
Physical locations within Ames city limits
Blmngtn: Bloomington Heights
Blueste: Bluestem
BrDale: Briardale
BrkSide: Brookside
ClearCr: Clear Creek
CollgCr: College Creek
Crawfor: Crawford
Edwards: Edwards
Gilbert: Gilbert
IDOTRR: Iowa DOT and Rail Road
MeadowV: Meadow Village
Mitchel: Mitchell
Names: North Ames
NoRidge: Northridge
NPkVill: Northpark Villa
NridgHt: Northridge Heights
NWAmes: Northwest Ames
OldTown: Old Town
SWISU: South & West of Iowa State University
Sawyer: Sawyer
SawyerW: SawyerW
Somerst: Somerset
StoneBr: Stone Brook
Timber: Timberland
Veenker: Veenker
Overall condition rating
10: Very Excellent
9: Excellent
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: Above Average
5: Average
4: Below Average
3: Fair
2: Poor
1: Very Poor
Overall material and finish quality
10: Very Excellent
9: Excellent
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: Above Average
5: Average
4: Below Average
3: Fair
2: Poor
1: Very Poor
Home functionality rating
Typ: Typical Functionality
Min1: Minor Deductions 1
Min2Minor Deductions 2
Mod: Moderate Deductions
Maj1: Major Deductions 1
Maj2: Major Deductions 2
Sev: Severely Damaged
Sal: Salvage only
living area square feet
First Floor square feet
Second floor square feet
Total rooms
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of kitchens
Kitchen quality
Central air conditioning
N: No
Y: Yes
Electrical system
SBrkr: Standard Circuit Breakers & Romex
FuseA: Fuse Box over 60 AMP and all Romex wiring (Average)
FuseF: 60 AMP Fuse Box and mostly Romex wiring (Fair)
FuseP: 60 AMP Fuse Box and mostly knob & tube wiring (poor)
Mix: Mixed
Total square feet of basement area
General condition of the basement
Walkout or garden level basement walls
Gd: Good Exposure
Av: Average Exposure (split levels or foyers typically score average or above)
Mn: Mimimum Exposure
No: No Exposure
NA: No Basement
Height of the basement
Excellent: 100+ inches
Good: 90-99 inches
Average: 80-89 inches
Fair: 70-79 inches
Poor: <70 inches
NA: No Basement
Quality of basement finished area
GLQ: Good Living Quarters
ALQ: Average Living Quarters
BLQ: Below Average Living Quarters
Rec: Average Rec Room
LwQ: Low Quality
Unf: Unfinshed
NA: No Basement
Present condition of the material on the exterior
Exterior covering on house
AsbShng: Asbestos Shingles
AsphShn: Asphalt Shingles
BrkComm: Brick Common
BrkFace: Brick Face
CBlock: Cinder Block
CemntBd: Cement Board
HdBoard: Hard Board
ImStucc: Imitation Stucco
MetalSd: Metal Siding
Other: Other
Plywood: Plywood
PreCast: PreCast
Stone: Stone
Stucco: Stucco
VinylSd: Vinyl Siding
Wd Sdng: Wood Siding
WdShing: Wood Shingles
Exterior material quality
Type of foundation
BrkTil: Brick & Tile
CBlock: Cinder Block
PConc: Poured Contrete
Slab: Slab
Stone: Stone
Wood: Wood
Fence quality
GdPrv: Good Privacy
MnPrv: Minimum Privacy
GdWo: Good Wood
MnWw: Minimum Wood/Wire
NA: No Fence
Number of fireplaces
Fireplace quality
Size of garage in square feet
Size of garage in car capacity
Garage condition
Interior finish of the garage
Fin: Finished
RFn: Rough Finished
Unf: Unfinished
NA: No Garage
Garage quality
Garage location
2Types: More than one type of garage
Attchd: Attached to home
Basment: Basement Garage
BuiltIn: Built-In (Garage part of house - typically has room above garage)
CarPort: Car Port
Detchd: Detached from home
NA: No Garage
Year garage was built
Heating quality and condition
Flatness of the property
Lvl: Near Flat/Level
Bnk: Banked - Quick and significant rise from street grade to building
HLS: Hillside - Significant slope from side to side
Low: Depression
Slope of property
Gtl: Gentle slope
Mod: Moderate Slope
Sev: Severe Slope
Lot size in square feet
Lot configuration
Inside: Inside lot
Corner: Corner lot
CulDSac: Cul-de-sac
FR2: Frontage on 2 sides of property
FR3: Frontage on 3 sides of property
Linear feet of street connected to property
General shape of lot
Reg: Regular
IR1: Slightly irregular
IR2: Moderately Irregular
IR3: Irregular
Paved driveway
Y: Paved
P: Partial Pavement
N: Dirt/Gravel
Roof material
ClyTile: Clay or Tile
CompShg: Standard (Composite) Shingle
Membran: Membrane
Metal: Metal
Roll: Roll
Tar&Grv: Gravel & Tar
WdShake: Wood Shakes
WdShngl: Wood Shingles
Type of roof
Flat: Flat
Gable: Gable
Gambrel: Gabrel (Barn)
Hip: Hip
Mansard: Mansard
Shed: Shed
Open porch area in square feet
Enclosed porch area in square feet
Wood deck area in square feet
The property's sale price in thousand dollars
The original data comes from https://www.kaggle.com/c/house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques. Some data cleaning were applied.
A dataset of 239 countries worldwide with 33 sociodemographic and public health features, some of which are the same variable but measured in dichotomized genders.
A data frame with variables:
the year of 2004
Percentage of female (over age 15) that smoke
Percentage of male (over age 15) that smoke
Number of new female cases of lung cancer in 100,000 residents, adjusting each country's age composition to the world population. Unit: person per 100,000 people
Number of new male cases of lung cancer in 100,000 residents, adjusting each country's age composition to the world population. Unit: person per 100,000 people
OWID Education Index: Education index calculated based on Avg years of schooling, taking values 0 as minimum and 15 as maximum.
Calories measures the energy content of the food. The required intake varies, but it is normally in the range of 1500-3000 kilocalories per day. Unit: kilocalories per person and day
This is the average daily household per capita income or consumption expenditure from the survey expressed in 2011 PPP. Unit: $1,000
The percentage of people using at least basic sanitation services, that is, improved sanitation facilities that are not shared with other households.
Death of children under five years of age per 1,000 live births. Unit: per 1000 live births
Gross domestic product per person adjusted for differences in purchasing power (in international $, fixed 2017 prices, PPP based on 2017 ICP). Unit: $1,000
Human Development Index. An index used to rank countries by the level of "human development" from three dimensions: health level, educational level, and living standard.
Total alcohol consumption per capita, male, liters of pure alcohol, 15+ years of age.
Total alcohol consumption per capita, female, liters of pure alcohol, 15+ years of age.
Number of new male cases of liver cancer in 100,000 residents, adjusting each country's age composition to the world population. Unit: person per 100,000 people.
Number of new female cases of liver cancer in 100,000 residents, adjusting each country's age composition to the world population. Unit: person per 100,000 people.
Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults).
Mortality rate, adult, female (per 1,000 female adults).
The mean TC (Total Cholesterol) of the male population, counted in mmol per L.
The mean TC (Total Cholesterol) of the female population, counted in mmol per L.
The continent that a country is part of
Sub specification of the region that a country belongs to
Total population of each country in 2004. Unit: 1,000 people
The average number of years a newborn child would live if current mortality patterns were to stay the same. Unit: year
The quantity of food consumption of sugar and sweeteners per person. Unit: grams per person and day
The mean BMI (Body Mass Index) of the female population; this mean is calculated as if each country has the same age composition as the world population. Unit: Kilogram per square meter
Group according to BMI_female
under_weight: < 18.5
normal_weight: 18.5 - 24.9
pre_obesity: 25.0 - 29.9
obesity_class_I: 30.0 - 34.9
obesity_class_II: 35.0 - 39.9
The mean BMI (Body Mass Index) of the male population; this mean is calculated as if each country has the same age composition as the world population. Unit: Kilogram per square meter
Group according to BMI_male
under_weight: < 18.5
normal_weight: 18.5 - 24.9
pre_obesity: 25.0 - 29.9
obesity_class_I: 30.0 - 34.9
obesity_class_II: 35.0 - 39.9
The sum of public and private health expenditure as a percentage of GDP. Unit: percent
Inflation-adjusted gross domestic product divided by midyear population. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Unit: $1,000
Human Development Index categories
Very high: HDI above 0.800
High: HDI between 0.700 and 0.799
Medium: HDI between 0.550–0.699
Low: HDI below 0.549
The original data comes from https://www.gapminder.org/data/. Some data cleaning was applied.
A dataset of 236 countries worldwide with 23 sociodemographic and public health features, some of which are the same variable but measured in dichotomized genders.
A data frame with variables:
the year of 2004
The continent that a country is part of
Sub specification of region that a contry belongs to
Total population of each country in 2004. Unit: 1,000 people
The mean BMI (Body Mass Index) of the whole population; this mean is calculated as if each country has the same age composition as the world population. Unit: Kilogram per square meter
Number of new cases of liver cancer in 100,000 residents in 2004, adjusting each country's age composition to the world population. Unit: person per 100,000 people
Number of new cases of lung cancer in 100,000 residents in 2004, adjusting each country's age composition to the world population. Unit: person per 100,000 people
Mean TC (Total Cholesterol) of the whole population, adjusting each country's age composition to the world population. Unit: mmol/L (Millimoles per liter)
The average number of years a newborn child would live if current mortality patterns were to stay the same. Unit: year
The quantity of good consumption of sugar and sweeteners per person. Unit: grams per person and day
The sum of public and private health expenditure as a percentage of GDP. Unit: percent
Inflation-adjusted gross domestic product divided by midyear population. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all residents producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degredation of natural resources. Unit: $1,000
Human Development Index. An index used to rank countries by level of "human development" from three dimensions: health level, educational level, and living standard.
Human Development Index categories
Very high: HDI above 0.800
High: HDI between 0.700 and 0.799
Medium: HDI between 0.550–0.699
Low: HDI below 0.549
Percentage of both men and women (over age 15) that smoke
Caloreis measures the energy content of the food. The required intake varies, but it is normally in the range of 1500- 3000 kilocalories per day. Unit: kilocalories per person and day
OWID Education Index: Education index calculated based on Avg years of schooling, taking values 0 as minimum and 15 as maximum.
This is the average daily household per capita income or consumption expenditure from the survey expressed in 2011 PPP. Unit: $1,000
Gross domestic product per person adjusted for differences in purchasing pwoer (in international $, fixed 2017 prices, PPP based on 2017 ICP). Unit: $1,000
The percentage of people using at least basic sanitation services, that is, improved sanitation faciliteis that are not hsared with other households.
Death of children under five years of age per 1,000 live births. Unit: per 1000 live births
The original data comes from https://www.gapminder.org/data/. Some data cleaning were applied.
This function provides interactive exercises for each lesson corresponding to each subsection of the book "R Programming: Zero to Pro"
id |
the index of the lesson |
This function is an interactive exercise. Hence, no value returned.
#Do the exercise for Section 1.1 ## Not run: r02pro(1.1)
#Do the exercise for Section 1.1 ## Not run: r02pro(1.1)
The small version of Ames Housing Price data of 165 observations, with 12 features including the sale date and price.
A data frame with 165 observations and 12 features:
Date Sold
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Size of garage in car capacity
Overall material and finish quality
10: Very Excellent
9: Excellent
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: Above Average
5: Average
4: Below Average
3: Fair
2: Poor
1: Very Poor
living area square feet
Lot size in square feet
Style of dwelling
1Story: One story
1.5Fin: One and one-half story: 2nd level finished
1.5Unf: One and one-half story: 2nd level unfinished
2Story: Two story
2.5Fin: Two and one-half story: 2nd level finished
2.5Unf: Two and one-half story: 2nd level unfinished
SFoyer: Split Foyer
SLvl: Split Level
Kitchen quality
Heating quality and condition
Central air conditioning
N: No
Y: Yes
The property's sale price in thousand dollars
The original data comes from https://www.kaggle.com/c/house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques. Some data cleaning were applied.